| | Reginald Cyntje | Araminta (feat. Brian Settles, Lenny Robinson & Herman Burney) | |
| | Lafayette Gilchrist, Herman Burney & Eric Kennedy | Bmore Careful | |
| | Herman Burney | Offering (feat. Joel Holmes & Ron Kearns) | |
| | Anthony E Nelson, Jr | Sugar (Live) [feat. Paul Odeh, Herman Burney & Lee Pearson II] | |
| | Reginald Cyntje | Gentle Touch (feat. Allyn Johnson, Herman Burney & Lenny Robinson) | |
| | Lafayette Gilchrist, Herman Burney & Eric Kennedy | Bamboozled | |
| | Herman Burney | Mercy, Mercy, Mercy ... Percy (feat. Joel Holmes, Eric Kennedy, Warren Wolf, Reginald Cyntje & Victor Provost) | |
| | Herman Burney | Portrait of a Rose (feat. Eric Kennedy & Joel Holmes) | |
| | Reginald Cyntje | Mirror Soul (feat. Damia Briscoe, Allyn Johnson, Herman Burney, Lenny Robinson & Ivan Navas) | |
| | Reginald Cyntje | The Aftermath (feat. Herman Burney & Allyn Johnson) | |
| | Lafayette Gilchrist, Herman Burney & Eric Kennedy | Get Straight To the Point | |
| | Herman Burney | Sniff, Sip, Swirl, Saute & Spit (feat. Joel Holmes, Eric Kennedy, Gary Thomas, Warren Wolf & Reginald Cyntje) | |
| | Herman Burney | Hope for Tomorrow (feat. Gary Thomas) | |
| | Justin Taylor | Catch Up Later (feat. Herman Burney & Kelton Norris) | |
| | Reginald Cyntje | Duvernay's Direction (feat. Brian Settles, Herman Burney & Lenny Robinson) | |
| | Herman Burney | Papa's Folk Song | |
| | Herman Burney | Sippin' (feat. Joel Holmes, Eric Kennedy & Warren Wolf) | |
| | Lafayette Gilchrist, Herman Burney & Eric Kennedy | Tomorrow Is Waiting Now (Sharon's Song) | |
| | Reginald Cyntje | Rise of the Protester (feat. Brian Settles, Herman Burney & Lenny Robinson) | |
| | Reginald Cyntje | Water (feat. Allyn Johnson, Victor Provost, Amin Gumbs, Brian Settles, Christie Dashiell & Herman Burney) | |
| | Reginald Cyntje | The First Time (feat. Jamal Brown, Allyn Johnson, Herman Burney & Lenny Robinson) | |
| | Herman Burney | Sautein' (feat. Joel Holmes, Eric Kennedy & Reginald Cyntje) | |
| | Herman Burney | Spittin' (feat. Joel Holmes, Eric Kennedy, Warren Wolf & Reginald Cyntje) | |
| | Lafayette Gilchrist, Herman Burney & Eric Kennedy | Enough | |
| | Reginald Cyntje | Becoming (feat. Leonard Brown, Allyn Johnson, Herman Burney & Lenny Robinson) | |
| | Lafayette Gilchrist, Herman Burney & Eric Kennedy | On Your Belly Like a Snake | |
| | Herman Burney | Delayed Gratification (feat. Joel Holmes, Eric Kennedy, Reginald Cyntje & Warren Wolf) | |
| | Reginald Cyntje | Earth (feat. Amin Gumbs, Brian Settles, Allyn Johnson, Christie Dashiell, Herman Burney & Victor Provost) | |
| | Herman Burney | Prayer for the World (feat. Joel Holmes, Eric Kennedy & Ron Kearns) | |
| | Reginald Cyntje | Yellow (feat. Brian Settles, Herman Burney & Lenny Robinson) | |
| | Lafayette Gilchrist, Herman Burney & Eric Kennedy | Newly Arrived | |
| | Herman Burney | 9 to 5 (feat. Joel Holmes & eric kennedy) | |
| | Reginald Cyntje | Sky (feat. Allyn Johnson, Christie Dashiell, Herman Burney, Victor Provost, Amin Gumbs & Brian Settles) | |
| | Lafayette Gilchrist, Herman Burney & Eric Kennedy | Say a Prayer For Our Love | |
| | Herman Burney | Low Country Sunset (feat. Joel Holmes) | |
| | Reginald Cyntje | See Ta-Nehesy (feat. Brian Settles, Herman Burney & Lenny Robinson) | |
| | Justin Taylor | Wine & Chocolates (feat. Herman Burney & Kelton Norris) | |
| | Lafayette Gilchrist, Herman Burney & Eric Kennedy | Purple Blues | |
| | Herman Burney | Sniffin' (feat. Joel Holmes, Eric Kennedy & Gary Thomas) | |
| | Herman Burney | 9 to 5 Reprise (feat. Gary Homas) | |
| | Reginald Cyntje | Brown (feat. Brian Settles, Herman Burney & Lenny Robinson) | |
| | Reginald Cyntje | Duality of Malcolm (feat. Brian Settles, Herman Burney & Lenny Robinson) | |
| | Reginald Cyntje | Dance of the Crooked Heads (The Return) [feat. Brian Settles, Herman Burney & Lenny Robinson] | |
| | Lafayette Gilchrist, Herman Burney & Eric Kennedy | Can You Speak My Language | |
| | Reginald Cyntje | Fire (feat. Brian Settles, Herman Burney, Victor Provost, Amin Gumbs, Christie Dashiell & Allyn Johnson) | |
| | Reginald Cyntje | No Justice No Peace (feat. Brian Settles, Herman Burney & Lenny Robinson) | |
| | Reginald Cyntje | The Morning After (feat. Jamal Brown, Leonard Brown, Allyn Johnson, Herman Burney & Lenny Robinson) | |
| | Lafayette Gilchrist, Herman Burney & Eric Kennedy | The Midnight Step Rag | |
| | Lafayette Gilchrist, Herman Burney & Eric Kennedy | The Wonder of Being Here | |
| | Lafayette Gilchrist, Herman Burney & Eric Kennedy | Assume the Position | |